I Make Mistakes

I make mistakes.

I probably make too many.

I’m not perfect.

Only God is perfect.

He knows the mistakes I make.

He still forgives me.

I forgive myself.

I pray to be better.

I have faith that I will be better.

So today I rebuke mistakes out of my life.

I speak and receive new beginnings into my life.

I start today with My God to help me.

I Love my God so much. 

He is and will always be my first Love. 

No Time For Drama In My New Year 2017 

No time for drama in my new year 2017.

I’m happy and free with God’s energy.

I  smile and dance so happily. 

No time for drama in my new year 2017.

God brings joy in my heart and peace in my soul.

He takes drama out and fills me with his singing.

No more drama, just more peace.  God heard me and filled me with He.

God is the Vine

“I am the Vine, you are the branches.” John:15:5

God has everything we need.  If we need peace, we get peace from Him.  If we need joy, we get joy from Him. If we need a word. He is the Word. As a matter of truth.  God is the best word we can ever have.  He is the word of patience,  truth, love, wisdom, direction,  obedience,  Will.  God is the light, the path, the source of all we need.  He’s the vine and we are the branches.   We grow, we receive, we share, we change and it’s all the blessings of God.  He’s the Vine that never breaks, withers, or dies.  God is the Vine of Hope, Love, and Everlasting. 



Sometimes you just have to smile. Sometimes you just have to cry.

Sometimes you just have to drop to your knees and pray.

Sometimes you have to shout Glory!

Sometimes you have to sing and shout.

Sometimes you have to read the word.

Sometimes you have to see that your way is not what’s best.

You will always know to turn to God for peace and rest.

My God…

​I lay at His feet and I’m safe.  Safe from worry, hurt, pain, sadness.  He keeps me close to His heart, He covers me with a blanket of peace.  All of my sorrows wither away and I’m smiling, im free, I’m happy to be me again.  He teaches me how to love myself.  He says call to me always.  He is my First Love. My God is my Light, my joy, my strength, my Friend. 

Enjoying Time

It’s a beautiful day in the A…And we are finally in the Fall Season!

The sun is shining, the wind is blowing and the leaves on the trees are so colorful.  This is my favorite time of the year.  I just love wearing chunky sweaters, leggings and boots. There’s something about the Fall that just makes my heart smile.  I love reading inspiration books, listening to Neo-soul, Gospel, Jazz and just relaxing.  Enjoying time is something that’s needed big time.  I look at the leaves on the trees and just thank God for such beauty He creates.  He is a great God and so merciful!  I absolutely enjoy my time with God.  His company is so inviting, so peaceful, so loving, so amazing and wonderful.  I just Love His company.  He hears every thought that comes to my mind.  I hear His voice speaking to me and telling me that He loves me so much and enjoys His time with me.  He definitely keeps His word about never leaving nor forsaking us.  He is a great God and He give us the Enjoying Time that we need.  I pray that everyone enjoys the time that they are blessed with.  Embrace it Beloved!  🙂




Good afternoon,

As I sit in Starbucks drinking a Mocha Frapp with Coconut milk and added whip to it (Yum!)  I feel so thankful for God blessing me with  a family.  It’s a true blessing to have family in your life.  It all starts with having God in your life.  I continuously thank God for blessing me to be a Child of Him, a Sister, a Mother, an Aunt and a Friend.   I put God first in my life and everything come after him.  I love him more that myself , anyone and anything.  He is all that I need and with Him I have everything.  We all may go through things with our family, but we need not to let anything separate the love that God blessed us to have with each other.  My God is Awesome, lovely, merciful, strong, faithful, loving and so protecting of us.  I love my family and I thank God for always showing us what it truly means to stay strong for each other.  Today is a day the Lord has made and we must be rejoice and be glad in it.  I pray today for all families to come together, be strong and give God the glory together in Jesus name amen. 🙂




Let love Grow


Letting love grow is so amazing.   You learn a lot by doing this.  Letting love grow teaches us how to have patience, gain wisdom and understanding.  Love is not to be taken for granted because it’s a blessing from the Lord.  God is Love and we don’t ever want to take Him for granted.  Love is a sweet taste, a beautiful song, a peaceful sound, a wonderful feeling that we all yearn for.  Love is grace, gentleness,  kindness,  and the light.  Love cover all and is full of delight.  We all need to choose Love and share it with everyone.   Love is a blessing that will always be with us and never leave us.  Love is sweeter than honey and runs over with blessings.  Let’s  choose Love today and allow it to grow in us beautifully.  Amen.

-Nzinga 😄



Good Morning Sunshines!

I Encourage you to shout hallelujah thank you Jesus for today.  Share a smile with someone.  Say something nice to a person.  Give a hug, laugh, dance.  Make this day full of Joy!  You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you!   Amen!
