It feels good

A day with a breeze, a day with ease,  a day like this feels good.

A day with laughs,  a day with smiles, a day like this feels good.

A day with family, a day with friends, a day like this feels good.

A day with light, a day peace,a day with God feels so good.



Quality Time

No matter how tired you are.  We have to make time for our kids.  My duaghter showed me her American girl magazine about 10 times yesterday. Her check marks and all.  It reminded me that I used to do the same thing with my Mom.  Even though I was tired, I still sat there with a smile on my face and enjoyed the time spent with her.  After that, my son wanted me to watch him complete his math game Prodigy.  I was exhausted by then but I still watched him play.  After all of that, they just smiled and Said “I love you Mama.”  We must cherish these times with our children.  This goes for husbands, wives, family, friends.  It’s a blessing from the Lord and we have to receive his blessings with Thanksgiving. 



Time and Thanksgiving

I’m grateful for many things. God, Family, Friends, etc…

God saved me from a lot of things and all I can say is hallelujah thank you Jesus.  I’m so happy and my heart smiles wide. 

I will continue to give thanks to the Lord because He is Good.

Love is real and having Godly love makes me feel so safe and secure.

I don’t take things for granted, I give all thanks to God for blessing me with all that I have. The most important that I have is God and He is all that I need. 

I pray God into everyone including myself. I be still and receive His Love, patience and peace. Amen.
