Let it go

It’s hard to let go sometimes.  We must let go, to be able to grow. To be able to feel new again and to experience what else God has for us.  Give it all to God and letting it go is the most amazing feeling. You automatically feel cleansed,  renewed and free.   So, let go today and smile for the new things coming our way.  Amen



We choose to sacrifice each day.  It worth it and it teaches us how to grow.  It not easy but it’s worth it.  We must ask for God’s strength to get through this sacrifice.  He will help us, he will guide us, all we must do is ask.   Let’s ask God today to help us by providing His strength to help us get through sacrifice.  He is a great God and there is nothing to hard for Him.  We must trust and believe that He can do anything at anytime and anyplace.  His Love, His plan, his peace, His spirit, His patience, his overflowing Love is all we need.   We must start today and forevermore to follow God. AMEN